We know how important studying the form can be for many of our users. That’s why we have added video race replays back onto the site.
Accessible from within results, subscribers to Members’ Club Ultimate can view video race replays from all 86 racecourses in Britain and Ireland.
You will need to be logged in to your Members’ Club Ultimate account to access the replays.
You can use Advanced Results Search to find a specific race, or locate by searching for a horse profile using the search facility.
You can access video replays within horse profiles by clicking on the date of the result you wish to view. Results with a replay available will have a play symbol (>) button displayed beside the date.
Once in the result you’ll have the option to watch the full race or closing stages.
Click your preference by using the two buttons and the replay video player will be launched.
Members' Club Ultimate subscribers have unlimited access allowing you to watch as many replays as you wish.